Thursday, October 21, 2010

The V's!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know The V's. If you've been following this blog for a while (since the beginning), you've met them. If you're my friend in person, you know about them. The V's are some of my very favorite people on the planet. They're so funny and so sweet and so helpful and so honest and so giving and so thoughtful and so smart and so considerate and so selfless and so entertaining and so understanding and GREAT. I love the V's. And one of the best things about them is Jackson, my godson, and one of the three-way-tie winners of the cutest kid ever contest (my boys are the other two). He's a HAM. He knows how cute he is, and he can WORK a camera. I had the PRIVILEGE of hanging out with some of my very best friends on a beautiful morning, and here are just a FEW of my favorites.

It's a general rule of thumb that the first several shots are throw aways, since it takes a while to warm up and get comfortable in front of the camera. This is image number one. This kid is that good.

Come ON.

Totally did this on his own! The kid's a rock star!

He was giving us some GREAT faces!
"How YOU doin'?"

Yeah. I don't think any of you who know them are surprised.

I LOVE this family!

If you look through Jackson's legs, you can see him still peeking at the camera! What a pro!

I-uh LOVE-uh this-uh picture...uh.
(You're welcome.)

Because I neither could nor wanted to stop taking pictures of Jackson:


I. Love. These.


I mean, it really just is almost not believable.

I had SO much fun with him! He's at my favorite age!!!



OH, Matt and Andrea (and Jackson!), there are so many things to say. I could fill this up with inside jokes, or be self-deprecating, or rave about the three of you. Instead, I will say thank you for being our friends. Thank you for loving our kids. Thank you for being real people. Thank you for making such a cute little guy. Thank you for raising him so great so that I can enjoy him. Thank you for moving next door so that I can see him more. No? Jump the gun on that one? Oh, well, we love you guys and you mean the world to us. You're the best homies anyone could want! Like a MUG! But Matt, maybe next time don't drink peroxide. And thank you so much for the Blizzard and Dr. Pepper afterwards. :) Arrivederci!

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